Monday, November 23, 2015

Infinii compensation plan

Amongst the best compensation plans in mlm, Infinii cracks the top

Infinii Compensation Plan

Update as of Dec 1st, 2015******** 

Please refer to the video above which is updated. Thank you!

This blog has been updated as of Dec 1st, 2015. Please refer to the video above and we will answer any questions. Thank you

Everyone claims they possess the very best compensation plan although not all compensation strategies possess the potential of Infinii's platform.
It's amongst the best that I've seen in all my years of network marketing (7 year veteran).

Paying out an over generous 70% complete (double the industry standard)

I shall reveal the 8 ways that you can retire yourself.

1) Fast Start Bonus - You will receive 15% of the value of the products of your enrolled associate (Up to $60 one time per registration) There's no cap on how many you are able to enroll.

2) Beginner Bonus - you'll bring in $1800 when you maintain 2 active customers one each on your left and right side of the "dual team" system (Will explain more below). These gains are limited to 1.5x of your active PET vol or points.

3) Manager Bonus - Develop the business enterprise to Manager ($50) Regional Manager ($150) and National Supervisor ($400) and the company will add to your profits. For instance, if you're a regional manager $150 will be paid by the company towards your membership.

4) Accelerated Dual Team Bonuses - Earn up tp $40,000 a week.

5) Dual Check Match - Receive up to 7 generation check matches of 10%

6) Infinity Pay - you will be able to earn 22.5% of total earnings of your personally sponsored partners.

7) Global Bonuses - Make up to 4% of the company gross gains when you hit director or above.

8) Elevation Rank Bonus - Whenever you break a rank you get rewarded additionally.

I will now explain the method by which the binary works. Also referred to as the double team bonus.

Infinii Bonus

The Business Volume is represented by (BV) is generated via the two legs. In which you will get paid on the lesser leg.

So for this example, 78000 BV is the lesser leg. You will get $7800 this week.

The example reveals Sam, Sue etc. These member do not have to be only from you.

Let us say $1600 was made by Kim in her binary, you get an additional $160 that week of payout.

You'll also earn 22.5% on your personally sponsored enrollments earnings according to your rank.

When you reach top position you earn 22.5% on that $1600. This would be $360 that week.

Below is a chart conditions and the ranks to meet.

This blog has been updated as of Dec 1st, 2015. Please refer to the video above and we will answer any questions. Thank you

Infinii Compensation Plan
I will give you a example of potential.

We'll go with Senior Director.

To get the status, you must have 400 action points which is $399.95 month level.

You have to have 80,000 in Personal Enrollment Tree Business BV.

All this means is enrollments need to come from you or your personally enrolled.

Lesser leg minimum vol is 20,000. This vol can come from non personal enrollments.
Payments would consist of up to $10,000/week of 3 generations deep.

Next is the Infinity pay at 7.5%. Earn additional 7.5 on personally enrollments earning from duel team.

Followed is the the Global Bonus. That is a pool where you'll see 1.00% (if senior manager). Keep in mind you will have added the positions that are previous to that percent. Director would =2.0% so it'd be 3% total.

You would be sharing the worldwide bonus with other senior directors etc....

Lastly there is Elevation positions. You may see a number and $50,000 12 next to an example if we use Executive Director as it.

What this means is that when you hit on the position they're going to pay $50,000 over a 12 month period.

In addition you see $10,000/ Y w/ X2Y

It translates you will get an additional $10,000/year on the day you hit on that status. With the number 2 in the X2y means you will receive that for 2 years.

So when you hit the rank on December 2nd 2015 you will get your first $10,000 the following December 2nd 2016. As well as the other

This compensation plan in unbelievable successful.

So that is the compensation plan as of now. Keep in mind that it might change up to the launch on Dec 1st. To learn about all of the products check out this full Infinii Review.

This blog has been updated as of Dec 1st, 2015. Please refer to the video above and we will answer any questions. Thank you

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. I am searching for some info on how Infinii works and would like to ask you to comment the statement below, cos I do wanna join the team, but need to understand it all:
    First off...
    Amazon forbids using a Prime membership account for the purpose of arbitrage/dropshipping. When they catch you doing it, they delete your account. They do, however, allow it if you're not a Prime member. To offer free two-day shipping on your eBay listing as a non-Prime Amazon buyer, you'll need to find an Amazon Prime listing with a price that exceeds their free shipping minimum (currently $49).

    To buy on Amazon, you'll need readily available cash. When an eBay item is purchased, the money is NOT accessible right away. It goes into your Paypal account. Paypal is a third party escrow service. Amazon accepts credit/debit cards, but does NOT accept Paypal as a payment method, neither direct from your Paypal account nor a Paypal credit card, so you'll need to transfer the money from Paypal to your bank account, which takes two to three calendar days
